St. Vincent's is seeking parishioners to be part of our RCIA team. If you are gifted in the charisms of hospitality, pastoring, teaching, intercessory prayer, and/or administration, we would love to have you apply to be on the RCIA team.
Normally, RCIA meets on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00 PM between mid-August & Pentecost.
Hospitality Team
This team will be responsible for welcoming candidates and sitting with them during sessions. The primary goal of this team is to help the candidates experience Christian friendship and the hospitality of our parish and the larger Church. This team will also assist with set-up and takedown of snacks, drinks, etc. before meetings.
Intercessory Prayer Team
This team is not required to be present or known to the candidates. Members of this team will be provided with the first names of all candidates and commit to pray for them once a week at home or in the Oratory.
Liturgy Team
The RCIA process includes up to six liturgical rites that strengthen the candidates with their preparations for the sacraments. This team would be needed on about 6 Sundays each year and the Easter Vigil to help prepare and usher during these liturgies.
Inquiry Team
We are hoping to offer inquiry sessions up to four times a year. Inquiry and Evangelization is an opportunity for seekers to come ask questions about the Catholic faith. Seekers are not obligated to enroll in RCIA, but they may eventually do so. Consider joining this team if you are well-formed in the Catholic faith and have an interest in answering questions and evangelizing those who are seeking. Training for this team is required.
Each year some of our candidates do not know any Catholics who can serve as a sponsor. If you are a Catholic in good standing, we would love to add you to our sponsor list. If needed, you would be invited to discern sponsoring a candidate. You would be matched with a candidate, and you would mutually discern if that match is a fit. This role may not be needed some years.