St. Vincent Parish depends on dedicated individvuals to serve as Lectors, Extraodinatory Ministers of Holy Communion and Ministers to the Homebound.
If you are interested in joining these ministries, please fill out the form to the right!
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers assist at parish liturgies by distributing the Eucharist during Communion. An Extraordinary Minister should be a practicing Catholic, attending Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation.
The person should have a love for the Lord and the Church, striving to grow in holiness. If married, Extraordinary Ministers must be married in the Catholic Church.
A training session is required, including catechesis on the Eucharist, along with annual days of reflection that focus on the Eucharist and the life of prayer.
Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound
Saint Vincent de Paul Homebound Ministry takes the Holy Eucharist to the homebound and those in institutions (including nursing homes and hospitals). These volunteers are trained and commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Lectors proclaim the word of God at Sunday Mass and other liturgies. A lector should be a practicing Catholic, attending Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation.
The person should have a love for the Lord and the Church, striving to grow in holiness. If married, lectors must be married in the Catholic Church.
An initial training is required, and all lectors attend an annual day of reflection.